Several of my forums have been hit by a particularly insidious form of spam. The spammer will place links to the worst type of sites inside the post, hidden under punctuation. Check your periods, colons, semi-colons, commas, hyphens, everything. They …
Micro Sites
The recent bargain price for .info domains has prompted me to come up with ideas for micro sites. Obviously, I’m not prepared to take on the management of twenty-five new full websites, but it will give me the incentive to …
What would I do if I was starting over again?
What would I do if I was starting my blog all over again? My blog is almost three years old, there’s a nearly endless list of things that I could do better, with 20-20 hindsight. But, the honest answer is …
Google Image Search
I’ve noticed on a couple of my sites, Google Image Search taking up a lot of bandwidth. This helps explain it a bit. I’m not sure if it’s worth it at all. On one of my sites, they were pretty …
My Blog Forum
Well, I’ve finally gotten around to putting some more focus on my forums. Recently, I’ve started trying to further develop my Blog Forum. Started posting more, getting others to post, tinkering with the design a bit. I also reconfigured the …
Amusing list of the day
Yea, I know, it’s link bait and I’m falling for it. But, hey, at least I’m not making the rich richer, this blog seems rather new and not on the ‘A’ list (joking!). Scott Hieferman makes a list of 50 …
The Fix is In
If you believe Steelers linebacker Joey Porter, the NFL is about as legit as professional wrestling. According to Porter, the world wanted the Colts to win so the refs tried to rig the game by making bad calls. It reminds …
Pubcon Boston Link Building Clinic
I attended the Link Building Clinic session at Pubcon Boston 2006, Tuesday morning. The format is that members of the audience volunteer up their websites, and the panel members (Rae Hoffman, Eric Ward, and a couple others I seem to …
I changed my mind about vision statements
I used to think that vision statements were just something that corporate executives do to make themselves feel as if they’re contributing. I still feel that’s true, but for a small company having the entrepreneur express his vision to his …
Is unique content really better than duplicate? or Why is Matt Cutts so chummy with search engine spammers?
I’ve always believed that the best way to make a successful website is to have solid unique content. First, we need to make some assumptions. Unique content can be useful, or useless. Duplicate content can be useful or useless. So, …